Heirloom Fundamentalists

Today, greener-than-thou gardeners crusade for heirloom seeds, while unjustly damming hybrids.  Increasingly, their anti-science credo has hardened into a Luddite fundamentalism, resulting in confusion among the public between hybrids and genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.  Clearly, the hybrid versus heirloom imbroglio is about more than the quest for the biggest, most delicious tomato.

As a third-generation seedsman, I can lend balance to this lopsided debate.  My company, W. Atlee Burpee, has provided American gardeners with heirloom seeds since 1876 and introduced hybrid seeds to American home gardens in 1934.  Since Burpee’s hybrid and heirloom sales are roughly 50-50, I’m one hundred percent in favor of both heirlooms and hybrids.

Starting in the late 1940s, hybrid seed—one of mankind’s greatest achievements—transformed agriculture. The “Green Revolution”, the adoption of hybrids by developing nations, boosted wheat, rice and corn harvests—multiplying yields up to tenfold.  Hybrids saved millions from famine, dramatically lowered food prices, and helped turn countries dependent on food imports into net exporters.  On the home front, hybrid vegetables transformed backyard gardening from a chore into a pleasure abounding with the proverbial bushels of zucchinis and tomatoes.

Many of today’s heirlooms were once market varieties prior to the advent of the supermarket; others were regional, from either families or communities such as the Amish.  Heirloom devotees are justly smitten with their storybook heritage, relative rarity and unusual flavor.

But when it comes to garden performance, heirlooms prove no match for hybrids.  The cachet-free, hard-working hybrids remain “old faithfuls” for the majority of American gardeners.  Indeed, in blind taste tests, many home garden hybrids triumph over heirlooms.

What heirlooms may lack in productivity and hardiness, they make up in mystique.  True believers overlook their decreased output, lower disease resistance, and—unless they buy heirlooms each year—laborious seed-saving chores.  But they go astray when their passion for heirlooms blinds them to the virtues of hybrids.

Increasingly, NGOs and activists are encouraging third-world farmers, in Haiti and elsewhere, to grow heirlooms in lieu of hybrids.  By so doing, they are putting their sophisticated personal tastes and aesthetics before the life and death needs of the farmers and their communities—people for whom a poor harvest can be a death sentence.  This is nouveau imperialism at its most pernicious.  “Let them eat heirlooms.”

Yet hybrids have as much history behind them as heirlooms.  Farmers and native peoples have been refining and improving seed stock for millennia, selecting the best plants and jettisoning the clunkers.  Moreover, due to natural cross-pollination and mutations caused by solar radiation, the genetic makeup of the world’s plants is ever changing.  Evolution never sleeps.

Without human intervention beginning ten thousand or so years ago, the tomatoes, peppers and other produce we enjoy today would be inedible, even toxic.  For example, tech-savvy Native Americans progressively wrought extraordinary improvements in corn and potatoes—now global staples.  Gregor Mendel’s discovery of genetics in 1866 enabled humanity to fulfill these ancestral struggles to develop ever greater food quality and supply.  In short, hybrids are improved heirlooms.

In contrast to sterile GMO laboratories, hybrid seed production, created by hand in the outdoors, is about as high-tech as knitting. Hybrid research is highly creative, yet little different from what nature does on its own, combining and recombining plants’ genes.  Spurred by Mendel’s work, natural processes are accelerated in both test gardens and winter greenhouses.  Breeders work within the plant’s genetic system—not outside it.  Plus, hybridizers reproduce their plants sexually, while GMO scientists insert DNA into clones.  To conflate hybrids with GMOs, as many do, is like mistaking an abacus for a supercomputer. 

As for environmental impact, hardy and disease-resistant hybrids require fewer chemical inputs, less water and smaller space.  Since they are higher yielding, hybrids reduce habitat destruction in the third world.  You can achieve the same harvest on a quarter as much land.

Finally, contrary to public opinion, genetic diversity is actually enhanced by hybridization.  Plant breeders widen available genes by both crossing with wild species and coaxing forth traits already present in domesticated cultivars.  Ironically, while expressing unique characteristics, heirlooms, being inbreds, possess narrower gene pools.  Therefore, public institutions and private companies, including Burpee, preserve them in seed vaults.  By nature, heirlooms exist at a genetic dead end.  You can see similar situations in wild animals, livestock and pets.  Nevertheless, some heirloom plants possess great virtues such as novel colors and flavors.  We don’t have to lose our heirloom past in order to claim our hybrid future.

It’s time for gardeners to stop slinging mulch and return to the pleasures and rewards of gardening.  There’s plenty of room in the vegetable patch for both heirlooms and hybrids.

This post appeared as an op/ed piece in the Sunday, July 18 edition of the Des Moines Register.

This entry was posted on Friday, July 23rd, 2010 at 10:07 am and is filed under Original Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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15 Responses to “Heirloom Fundamentalists”

  1. Bill Erickson said:

    Love it – Great article

  2. Ellie Adman said:

    Well said! Do you have a Facebook link to post this to?

  3. Edith Ransom said:

    I agree with you whole heartly, I to believe in hybrid as well as heirloom plants.

    I live in Hawaii & I work with a non-profit and we are putting together a organic farm and there will be both hybrid & heirloom organic plants.

    We are growing flowers & eatable plants of all kinds anyone that would like to donate seeds we would be happy to have them.

    Our non-profit is to help the homeless veterans, there are some 9000+ here in the state of Hawaii that’s just the one’s we can count and more coming everyday.
    Edith Ransom
    [email protected]

  4. Kathy G said:

    Thank you for this article, and all others. I so appreciate and always learn much from them. I am happy to see you make a distinction between GMOs and hybrids. I will pass this along to my gardening friends.

  5. mary said:

    What a change! Common sense instead of hysteria! Thank you for attempting to spread knowledge on what for some is a touchy subject. I have been both seed saver and novice hybridizer in my time and see the value in both. Your article speaks to that quite clearly. Some will listen and become wiser; others will prefer to wallow in the panacea of junk science! Applause.

  6. JL said:

    Bravo! Your message is eloquent and will hopefully reach the gardeners who need it. I’m finding the message never more true to heart than the performances of last and this year’s home vegetable gardens. Last year’s rains ruined all but the hybrid paste tomatoes. This year my hybrid paste tomatoes shine again. While the weather is not so unforgiving, still I have plants failing for no apparent good reason. Come next January when I’m tossing a can of ‘organically homegrown tomatoes’ with whatever other tasty thing I can find I’ll be thankful for the efforts of the hybridizers.

  7. Jamie Shafer said:

    Your essay about Heirloom vs. Hybrid was excellent, intelligent and concise. Congratulations!
    I will be passing this one along.

  8. therese said:

    Thank you for the thought provoking commentary about Hybrids vs. Heirlooms. It was eye opening.

  9. Norman Wilson said:

    Love your articles. BUT they are difficult to see because of the color of the font. Second, for goodness sakes, leave some spaces. Make more paragraphs and shorter. Both will be greatly appreciated by your readers.

  10. Ken Tilt said:

    Nice article, well done, timely… nuff said…
    Thank you

  11. king chu said:

    If need someone help to design and fix any kind style garden,let me know. I can help

  12. Kathleen Pelley said:

    Although I am not an heirlooom fascist, heirloom tomatoes still taste better than the hybrids. I am willing to pay those high prices at the grocery store for them.

  13. dus said:


    a very solidly-informative article…
    “unjustly damming”
    intent might have been “damning” ???

  14. Shane said:

    In regard to Haiti’s farmers who recently have threatened to burn donated hybrid seeds from Monsanto. Some of the donated hybrid seeds are treated with highly toxic pesticides so it is very prudent for the Haitian farmers to be leary of hybrids versus heirlooms. When hybrid seed is made unsafe to handle then heirlooms make better sense for the health of the farmers and the health of the land.

  15. Steven doyle said:

    Thanks for saying this. There is an apparent trend to reject all science and even thought it sometimes seems. We must speak out to correct this tendency. Steven

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