GL 581c Day
I cannot honestly remember being as excited as over the last week, since the announcement of the discovery of the earth-like exoplanet, GL 581c, which deserves a better name.While the possibility of human life may be remote, plant life may be abundant due to the old age of the planet and the low light levels, both which would promote evolution. Testing GL 581c’s botanical life will be an honor bestowed on our great-great grandchildren, since Star Trek-like space travel technology isn’t available in the near future. However, I shall lay aside the resources so that, in about 2107, Heronswood Nursery will have the means at least to participate in the intragalactic garden evaluation process.
Currently, what baffles me is how little attention this momentous discovery is getting, compared to the usual tabloid fare. Alas!
It is amusing to think of the distant future, such as the post-colonial period on GL 581c. I imagine the ethnic pride parade put on by the immigrant earthlings. What would they wear, suits and dresses? I’d like to think they’d wear Brooks Brothers.
Seriously, this is a tremendous discovery, perhaps the most important ever made. Not only will it yield secrets in its analogous biological processes, but it will also allow humanity a true second chance, an opportunity to take seriously the stewardship of our lives, environment and planet. A cosmic child, indeed.
Now, back to dreaming about the Earth Pride Day Parade…