Peaceable Kingdom, Part 2 of 3


We’re proposing planting varieties both of edibles and ornamentals in a relatively tight space, so that “the lambs will lie down with lions”. Create a design for these midsummer, or hot climate cultivars of vegetables, herbs, perennials and shrubs, annuals and small fruit. They’re selected for their tidiness and harmony when planted “ensemble”. Paradise in your front, back and side yards. Here’s the line-up of hot stuff:

Vegetables: Watermelon ‘Orange Crisp’ Hybrid
Vegetables: Okra ‘Red Velvet’
Sweet Potato ‘Beauregard’
Bean ‘Eureka’
Bean ‘Fortex’
Bean ‘Italian Rose’
Tomato ‘Sweet Seedless’
Tomato ‘Big Mama’
Tomato ‘Brandy Boy’
Tomato ‘Fourth of July’
Tomato ‘Honeybunch’
Tomato ‘Persimmon’
Tomato ‘Healthkick’
Eggplant ‘Thai Purple Blush’
Cucumber ‘Iznik’
Hot Pepper ‘Zavory’
Hot Pepper ‘Biker Billy’
Sweet Pepper ‘Red Delicious’
Sweet Pepper ‘Orange Blaze’
Summer Squash ‘Peter Pan’
Summer Squash ‘Sunray’
Zucchini ‘Sweet Zuke’
Zucchini ‘Ronde de Nice’
Winter Squash ‘Thelma Sanders’
Sweet Corn ‘Silver Princess’
Cucumber ‘Orient Express
Melon ‘Earlisweet’
Herbs: Basil ‘Pistou’
Basil ‘Summerlong’
Basil ‘Queen of Sheba’
Basil ‘Genovese’
Summer Savory
English Lavender
Perennials: Veronica ‘Charlotte’
Buddleia ‘Peach Cobbler’
Hydrangea ‘Wedding Gown’
Hibiscus ‘Pink Swirl’
Hibiscus ‘Lord Baltimore’
Shasta Daisy ‘Crazy Daisy’
Shasta Daisy ‘Broadway Lights’
Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’
Aster ‘Purple Dome’
Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’
Monarda ‘Bergamo’
Hollyhock ‘Chater’s Maroon’
Coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’
Achillea ‘Fordhook Mix’
Phlox ‘David’s Lavender’
Echinacea ‘Sundown’
Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’
Annuals: Celosia ‘Kurume Corona’
Gomphrena ‘Fireworks’
Cosmos ‘Sensation Mix’
Zinnia ‘White Wedding’
Sunflower ‘Sunforest Mix’
Petunia ‘Summer Madness Double’
Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’
Marigold ‘Fireball’
Scabiosa ‘Summer Berries’
Small Fruits: Blueberry ‘Bluejay’
Blueberry ‘Bluecrop’
Strawberry ‘Jewel’
Currant ‘Red Lake’
Raspberry ‘Royalty’

“Tres bien ensemble.”

P.S. I shall be speaking on Monday, March 2, at 2:30 P.M. at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Subject is “Success In The Money Garden” with tips on the most productive vegetable varieties. Attendance is free with show admission. Please see

This entry was posted on Friday, February 27th, 2009 at 2:13 am and is filed under Original Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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6 Responses to “Peaceable Kingdom, Part 2 of 3”

  1. Martha said:

    That’s a huge list of plants!

    How many beds will they fill and how will they be combined?

  2. Carol said:

    Could you please publish the text of your talk at the Philly Flower show. I cannot get there until 3/08.



  3. Suzanne said:

    Is there anyone out there who knows about a Vine that is called Passion Vine. I bought it in R.I. and was told it was only an Annual, except in warmer climates it “may return”. I gingerly dug up roots and kept it in the cool basement for the winter. Alas, when I went to turn over the soil the following spring, the roots were sprawling all over. It is a Lacey looking flower that grows either on the ground or on a trellis. It is shades of white/pink and purple. The “lace” flowers has lace made of thread-size designs. Anybody know anything more about this plant/vine? I just love this sight on the web and the newletters. Happy gardening!! Suzanne

  4. Fran Passik said:

    I look forward with pleasure to your messages. I am 77 years of age and handicapped. I live in an apartment, and my plants make me happy. Please continue sending me the Heronswood Voice. Thank you.

  5. M.McGrath said:

    I love that you are encouraging people to plant edibles with their ornamentals. Gardens can feed both the soul and the body.

  6. Sandi said:

    You are so lucky.Passion Flower is my second fav flower ( Angel trumpet is my first).It comes in different shade of blues,purples,tons of different shades of reds,and,if you can believe it,orange!!Plant it after all frost is gone,in a nice partly sunny place,with a trellis or fence it can spread grows 10,20 ft.if you feed it right,and give it some water.I myself use Miricale Grow Plant Food.DO NOT let it get too dry.I just try to keep it tied as it grows.If you can put it in a large pot,let it grow for the summer.When it gets, like 50 at nite,you can cut it back,as far as you want.Put the plant,pot and all,in a cool place.A garage,a cool basement.Let it sit till it gets warm again.Slowley bring it out on warm days,back in on cool nites.You will see it come to life.Feed it some plant food,water good,and you will have another beautiful summer with a beautiful plant.You can get some BEAUTIFUL passion flowers at Hirts Nursurey,online.And Ebay, look around and enjoy! Hope this long note helps!Have a great growing summer!

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